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We make our living as journalists, photographers, authors, lecturers, guides, travellers and a few other things. Most of this involves the African continent in one way or the other. Any Time From Now is our way of sharing our experience, thoughts, insights and philosophy around Africa and travelling. It is a free service and this site is not here to sell you anything. Please do bear in mind though that although free to enjoy here, all texts and pictures are protected by copyright. Please read this message about using or republishing our material. Beside the content we produce ourselves, we also have our curated news feed which you can follow on twitter or facebook.

Should you want to discuss business proposals, commission work or learn more about our paid services, please do get in touch. That is after all how we finance this web site.

För våra svenska kunder och samarbetspartners: välkomna att besöka africanstories.se där vi berättar mer om vårt arbete och våra uppdrag.