Nya försök att straffa de värsta krigsförbrytarna
Utrikesmagasinet produceras av Utrikespolitiska institutet och är gratis att läsa. Det har snart gått 15 år sedan vi skrev boken Till
Utrikesmagasinet produceras av Utrikespolitiska institutet och är gratis att läsa. Det har snart gått 15 år sedan vi skrev boken Till
Inför 2020 planerade 22 afrikanska länder för nationella val. I takt med att covid-19 spridits över världen har samtliga ställts
Being an expert on something is not entirely about knowing every single detail. It is also about knowing where to
South African English is not like any other English. Of course it is English, but it’s got its own characteristics and
Abigail Mbalo is the dental technologist turned master chef – almost literally, in fact – and with her burning passion for
On December 30 last year, around 40 million voters went to the polls in a hotly contended election in the
”He’ll be on time,” said the lady at the front desk at the hotel where I was staying. I’d been in Tanzania
The development of social protection programmes is something relatively new in Africa. However, in the last decade almost all African
If only I’d had a penny for every time I've been on game drive with guests and someone, when seeing
It’s the time of the year when we start to look back at major events of 2018. From a political
This post is part of a series about African safari destinations. Reading the title however, you’d be forgiven for thinking
The exact number of Zimbabweans who live and work in South Africa is not known, some say 500,000 others say
“You have entered the oldest surviving slave building in South Africa” reads a sign at the entrance of one of
It is the time of the year when we start to get quite a lot of queries about good and
Masai Mara in Kenya is one of the most famous and iconic safari destinations in Africa. The experience is very